Explore the map

Using the mouse

You can use a mouse or pointing device to move around and explore the map.

Map action Use this tool... ...and do this
Re-center the map Left mouse
Left-mouse button
Hold the left mouse button down and drag to pan the map.
Zoom in Mouse wheel
Mouse wheel
Scroll the mouse wheel forward or up to zoom in. Each wheel click will zoom the map by about 50 percent in width and height.
Shift+Left mouse
Left-mouse button
Hold the Shift key down, then hold the left mouse button down and drag to draw a rectangle. The map will zoom in to the area of the rectangle.
Zoom out Mouse wheel
Mouse wheel
Scroll the mouse wheel backward or down to zoom out. Each wheel click will zoom the map by about 50 percent in width and height.
Ctrl+Shift+Left mouse
Left-mouse button
Hold the Ctrl and Shift keys down, then hold the left mouse button down and drag to draw a rectangle. The map will zoom out basaed on the area of the rectangle.
Zoom out to full map Zoom to US Map
Choose Return to US Extent from the Navigation Tools. The map will zoom all the way out to the full map extent.
Zoom to location extent Zoom to location
Choose Return to Location's Extent from the Navigation Tools. The map will zoom in to the extent of the selected location.